Barbarian review.

Get the hallowean story started with the new horror movie Barbarian. The film stars, Justin Long, Georgina Scott, and Bill Skarsguard. The film is dircted by Zach Cregger. Its real simple, three people show up to stay at an airbnb for different reasons, and find something sinister going on in the house… And thats all what I am saying plot wise. Trust me when I say, the least you know going in about this movie the better. I will get into what I thought about this newest horror thriller.

This film was a ball to watch. First off this movie is technically wise amazng. We go back and forth from handeld camera scenes to typical crane style, giving the film a much more relastic feel. The three leads of the film are equally good, Georgina and Bill share great chmesistry in the scenes they have together, while Justin long makes an easy convince of playing a deuchbag who is facing some potential legal issues in the film. Justin Longs charcter also brings a great deal of humor to the film, but there are additional moments through the movie that carry a great deal of humor. The movie is a pleasent mix of sheer horr and laughs, while really once shitstarts going down its a nonstop ride.

This movie avoids throwing cheap jump scares at the audience, and sucessfully crafts tension, with some vert distrubing and bloody images throughout. Going back to the technical makeup of the movie, the camera work really plays a big hand in the films scariest moments. From Shaky cams in dark tunnels to first person views of the characters it uses a lot of different movements and shifts to create the horror. Ultimatley Barbarian is a super fun horror movie that has things in store the audience that they will never see coming. Its a high recommend fro me. A+,



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